
1 min readDec 20, 2020

In today’s session, we had discussed social practice, when we were discussing I remember my third-semester assignment of Interaction design where we have to discuss anyone social practice so I discuss the social practice of how I fill water bottles and how my mom fills them and how my brother and then after seeing the process for almost 2 days that we all fills water bottles in different ways my mom put all the bottles in a boil and then fill bottles so that floor cannot get wet and then When I see my brother he didn’t take much interest in doing that he just fills those bottles without caring how much floor is getting wet and then how I fill bottles I just collect all the bottles on the sink and then I just put funnel and then I start pouring the gallon bottle water in the bottles so that the floor cannot ets wet after seeing these process and attempting it, These things show that how much we all are different from eachother and how differently we all do our task it makes me realize that I was only able to capture and sees only three people social work but many can do it in different ways. Also, realize that when my family members are doing it in different ways than how the other people doing it.

