Reflection Paper #4

3 min readOct 2, 2020

In our fourth class, we discussed Sara Hendren and her adaptive invention of designing for people with different abilities.

Here I wanted to discuss the things which are in the minority and no one has even given importance to it. As a left-handed person, I have faced a lot of difficulties because this world is designed for right-handed people. Left-handed people must compromise even in the 21st century, nothing has been designed so far, which gives lefties some benefits. According to some research, most left-handed people are twins and in them, there are two types of twins: the one twins are those in which both are lefties and the other twins are those who are mirrored so that in them one is lefty then one is right-handed. They also say that left-handed people are abnormal and right-handed people are normal.

I have faced problems from school life till today. When I was in school, teachers and the religious people eventually told my mom to start teaching her twins to write from the right hand. According to them writing or using the left-hand makes a person weak and according to using the left hand, they will never be able to follow right path so I’ve heard a lot of things even in schools the person who writes from the left cannot be able to sit on the right side of the desk because the joints will collide with the other student if they write from right hand. After that, I Remember my mom started teaching me to write from the right hand and my twin brother also but we were not able to do that so me and my brother usually sometimes assume that it is our fault that we write from the left hand. In our religion, the good angel sits on the right side, and the bad angel sits on the left means that whatever we do good the right shoulder angel writes it and whatever we do wrong the left shoulder angel writes it. We have to get from writing hand and even many things we have to do from the right hand even if we are uncomfortable with it, lefties are born in this world to compromise After that the design of daily life were also design for right-handed people if you notice scissors, fork, pen desk, remote, hairbrush a lot of things were designed for right-handed people no one thinks for the lefties. Here is some problem in which never right-handed people have noticed a bottle cap. We must rotate right to close it but if you have ever seen a lefty person they first rotate in the left way and then right, so they must do things in the right and left way. From the keyboard I am writing it is designed for right-hand people and the mouse also. Whenever my mom asks me to peel the vegetables, I have difficulty to even hold a knife also. I always wanted to design things for the left-handed people. I am not comfortable when I hold a spoon from the right hand at home. I am comfortable while eating from the left hand but if we must go to gatherings, at that time I feel uncomfortable to eat then I take that food which I eat from hands, I take fried items. In our society eating from the left hand is considered bad but no one notices that they are comfortable with working with that hand. According to the research, 10 percent of people are left-handed and that is why I think designers do not design for left-handed people because they are in the minority and if I Think someone has thought of it but they do not want to invest in a design which can be used by minorities. I think in the affordances class many lefties had seen many things even before they have given this affordances assignment because the lefty must think in possible and in impossible ways before they can produce the right thing.

